Saturday, March 17, 2012

Police headquarters send 364 personnel for security in Pontianak

The National Police Headquarters has sent 364 Mobile Brigade members to Pontianak, West Kalimantan, in anticipation of security disruptions.

"The Police Headquarters has sent 364 Mobile Brigade members, 200 from Kedunghalang in Bogor and 164 from Central Java," National Police head of public relations, Inspector General Saud Usman Nasution, said here on Friday.

The decision was taken following tension in the relations between different groups in the region, in connection with the Islamic Defenders` Front (FPI) dissolution issue.

"This morning, around 10 am, a meeting was held between local traditional and FPI leaders in an attempt to call on each group to stay away from disorderly actions as the situation is already under control," Saud noted.

About the demand for the dissolution of the FPI, he said that there were procedures to carry it out.

Regional police commander, Brigadier General Unggung Cahyono, said that the situation in Pontianak and its surrounding areas is peaceful now, following a clash between the two groups on March 14 and 15.

"I have been touring the city since 7 am and thank God, the situation is now secure and conducive," he said at a meeting with community leaders at the regional police command headquarters on Friday.

On the occasion, Unggung asked all the different community and religious leaders to inform the people about the situation so that they would remain calm and not get provoked by misleading rumors sent through short message services (sms).

He added that the incidents were caused by mere misunderstanding among different groups and had nothing to do with religious issues.

He also hoped that people would leave the solution of security issues to governmental authorities.