Mr. Mus Mualim from Purwokerto as one of representative students from State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Purwokerto and his friends are so serious to listen to briefing from the director of EECC Pare on welcoming new students 63 period. There are more than 30 delegation students from STAIN Purwokerto.
EECC Pare and STAIN Purwokerto already signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate in increasing English competence to the students. MoU was signed last year 25 of May 2007. The Principal of STAIN Purwokerto Mr. Drs. H. Chariri, M.Ag stated that this program was aimed to increase achievement especially English. He hoped that after studying from Pare the students will share and distribute the knowledge to STAIN Purwokerto.
And Mr. Chariri also hoped that someday STAIN Purwokerto open new department, it is English Department. Good luck for you sir. And STAIN Purwokerto.
EECC Pare also makes cooperation with some other state Islamic colleges like STAIN Kudus, IAIN Ambon, STAIN Kediri, and some other private universities.
EECC Pare and STAIN Purwokerto already signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate in increasing English competence to the students. MoU was signed last year 25 of May 2007. The Principal of STAIN Purwokerto Mr. Drs. H. Chariri, M.Ag stated that this program was aimed to increase achievement especially English. He hoped that after studying from Pare the students will share and distribute the knowledge to STAIN Purwokerto.
And Mr. Chariri also hoped that someday STAIN Purwokerto open new department, it is English Department. Good luck for you sir. And STAIN Purwokerto.
EECC Pare also makes cooperation with some other state Islamic colleges like STAIN Kudus, IAIN Ambon, STAIN Kediri, and some other private universities.